
The Robertson PTO Facebook Page is a great way to keep up to date on everything at Robertson.

If you are not already a PTO member, I encourage you to join. You do not have to volunteer for every event: any amount of time is appreciated. You do not need to have any particular skills: each event has a variety of “talents” needed. You do not have to help at the school site, many activities can be coordinated at home over the phone or by using email.

In whatever way you choose to help the PTO this year, you will always be supporting the students and staff!

**Calendar of Events can be found under our documents tab.

Link to PTO Web Store Below:

Contact PTO:

PTO Board Members

Jackie Yates


Brenna Enos                               

Vice President                        

Renee Sullivan

Rebecca Washington

Event Planner
Stephanie Pennachia

Book Fair Rep                       

Daisy Brevner